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Jacquie & Yuka -Immersion + Gourmet combo

WOW! We are so glad we opted to stay for 2 weeks and chose Mélie's 'French Cuisine & Wine' option to complement Marion's 'French Language Immersion'.

Marion is truly a skilled and dedicated teacher. There was no end to her patience and also necessary persistance, as she encouraged me forward with the difficult task of learning a new language. But also, essential to all learning, it was great fun as she exercised creative ways to expand my vocabulary and work through the often frustrating aspects of french grammar. Regardless of what level of French you arrive with, you will leave improved with greater confidence to go out there and converse.

And outings with Marion were fantastic. Wherever we went, we had the benefit of an enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide at our side and being situated in the heart of Beaujolais country, the options were many.

And complementing Marion's talents, Mélie's approach to food and wine was superb. Being a couple of foodies, proud of our culinary competence, Mélie still had lots to teach us as we

dove right in, working together. And the wine tasting/pairing was terrific. We knew when we arrived we loved wine but Mélie, with her knowledge and fascinating tasting techniques, took us to a whole new level of understanding and appreciation with no hint of pretension whatsoever. And her passion for 'Naturally' made wines was for us, a real bonus. As well, for our evening sipping, the well stocked wine fridge in our room to select from, was nothing short of brilliant. And of course, we couldn't think of leaving without buying a couple of cases.

The combination of language learning, food and wine blended seamlessly together, resulting in a very memorable two weeks. And what better region of France in late autumn than the rolling, golden, vine covered hills of Beaujolais. We ate well, drank well and slept well, all while improving our french. Kudos to you both for your skills, enthusiasm and sincerity .... a huge...

"Thanks For The Memories!"

Jacquie & Yuka


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